Session: Make – THATCamp Feminisms Texas 2015 Just another THATCamp site Sat, 28 Mar 2015 15:13:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Session: Make Sat, 28 Mar 2015 13:05:03 +0000

I’d like to explore scalar as a platform for investigating the intersections of material feminisms, posthumanisms, feminist science studies, ecofeminisms, and other related difference feminisms with digital media.  If, as Haraway claims, we are all cyborgs (1985),  then what implications might this have for women and their interaction with nature and technology?  How might scalar offer a means of representing, understanding, exploring, and instigating discourse on feminism and technology, or feminism and media?  This would also allow for collaborative efforts in that others could post on the scalar website and discuss the questions, issues, and subjects raised by the scalar project.

Make: Kinetic Typography in Edge Animate Sat, 28 Mar 2015 03:14:29 +0000

I’ve been teaching Edge Animate for a few years now. It’s the latest Adobe product for creating HTML5 native animations. Because it’s HTML5 native, it works on iPhones and allows for just about any javascript functionality you can think up. Also, there’s a free version that isn’t very restricted (use it forever, but it’s the old beta version so it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles).

I use a kinetic typography assignment in my classes to teach the basics of making animations and adding interactivity in Edge animate. It’s not terribly advanced. Edge is pretty easy to work with (at least compared to Flash, which it replaced). I’d be happy to share the assignment and teach it if people are interested.
